If your .csv file matches a particular .dlabel.nii file, what you could do
is use -cifti-parcellate to generate a template parcellated cifti file, and
then use -cifti-convert -from-text to put the data into that format (you
will need to strip off the labels first, leaving only the numbers, after
ensuring that the areas are in the same order as the parcellated file).
This will allow easy display of the data on the surface.  Foci files are
not meant to contain data values, they are mostly just points in space.

If you have another purpose besides display, then I'd need more details
before being able to say whether there is a better way to store it.


On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 2:59 PM, Jennifer Goldman <
jennifer.gold...@mail.mcgill.ca> wrote:

> It seems using Connectome Workbench may be the best way forward with
> mapping my MEG statistics on a common brain template. I have opened
> Conte69_atlas-v2.LR.164k_fs_LR.wb.spec, which seems to be the atlas used to
> generate FS parcellations in the HCP pipeline.
> Now, I will need to map values correlation values - there will be only one
> value per area (for example, a .csv file with nonsense random data is
> attached). Should I be trying to make a foci file or is there a smarter way
> to go about it?
> Thanks for any advice,
> Jennifer
> McGill, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital
> Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery; 3801 University st, MP116,
> Montreal, QC H3A 2B4
> Website: jennifergoldman.webs.com
> On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 1:25 PM, Jennifer Goldman <
> jennifer.gold...@mail.mcgill.ca> wrote:
>> Thank you for any insight or advice - This is my first use of freesurfer
>> (and MRI methods in general) so I apologize if the question is overly
>> simple.
>> I have generated an analysis of HCP MEG data and have found correlations
>> of MEG metrics with Freesurfer volume and thickness measurements you made
>> available, which survive FDR correction.
>> I would like make a parametric map - to plot significant correlations of
>> MEG metrics with cortical anatomy - on the brain template, showing negative
>> and positive correlations on a color spectrum. I have downloaded and
>> installed Freesurfer and am trying (not yet successfully) to find
>> appropriate methods on the Freesurfer Wiki page.
>> Can you advise me how to associate a matrix of values describing p- and
>> correlation- values with a template brain relevant to the parcellation
>> scheme you have used?
>> Thank you in advance and kind regards,
>> Jennifer
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