
I encountered a weird error while trying to run the FunVol Pipeline. After
the motion correction is done I get this:

START: Field Map Preprocessing and Gradient Unwarping

(standard_in) 1: parse error

(standard_in) 1: parse error

(standard_in) 1: parse error

(standard_in) 1: parse error

Loading volumes

Phase loaded

Magnitude loaded

Mask loaded

Rewrapping phase range to [-pi,pi]

Number of phase splits = 8

Calculating starting matrices (709 by 709)

Finished connection_matrices

1150 constraints left

Did while loop 708 times

(standard_in) 1: parse error

Image Exception : #22 :: ERROR: Could not open image

libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type

/usr/local/fsl/bin/fsl_prepare_fieldmap: line 194: 52721 Abort trap: 6
      $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${tmpnm}_tmp_ph_radians_unwrapped -div $asym
${tmpnm}_tmp_ph_rps -odt float

Image Exception : #22 :: ERROR: Could not open image

libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type

/usr/local/fsl/bin/fsl_prepare_fieldmap: line 194: 52723 Abort trap: 6
      $FSLDIR/bin/fugue --loadfmap=${tmpnm}_tmp_ph_rps --mask=${maskim}

Cannot open volume
for reading!

Image Exception : #22 :: ERROR: Could not open image

Cannot open volume
for reading!

Image Exception : #22 :: ERROR: Could not open image

libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type

/usr/local/fsl/bin/fsl_prepare_fieldmap: line 108: 52727 Abort trap: 6
      $FSLDIR/bin/fugue --loadfmap=${outfile}
--savefmap=${tmpnm}_tmp_fmapfilt --mask=${maskim} --despike

Cannot open volume /tmp/fsl_EgzoAc_tmp_fmapfilt for reading!

Cannot open volume
for reading!

Done. Created
for use with FEAT.

DONE: fsl_prepare_fieldmap.sh

No such file or directory

set -- --path=/Users/user/Desktop/StudyDirectory       --subject=002
      --fmriscout=NONE       --SEPhaseNeg=NONE       --SEPhasePos=NONE


      --fmapgeneralelectric=NONE       --echospacing=NONE
--echodiff=2.46ms       --unwarpdir=-y       --fmrires=2
--dcmethod=SiemensFieldMap       --gdcoeffs=NONE       --topupconfig=NONE
    --printcom=       --biascorrection=NONE       --mctype=MCFLIRT


This looks very confusing, do you have any idea why is it so? At first I
thought fsl 5.0.9 might be the problem, but even with 5.0.6 the problem
persists. Also in the /tmp/ folder there are the files it can't open. I am
using DistortionCorrection="SiemensFieldMap" and the only fields which are
not set to "NONE" are Magnitude and Phase input names, Task and Phase
encoding list, DeltaTE and final resolution.

Thanks so much in advance!


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