If you start from a single point and dilate the patches should be approximately 



From: Vadim Axel <axel.va...@gmail.com<mailto:axel.va...@gmail.com>>
Date: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 at 2:13 PM
To: Matt Glasser <glass...@wustl.edu<mailto:glass...@wustl.edu>>
Cc: "Elam, Jennifer" <e...@wustl.edu<mailto:e...@wustl.edu>>, 
"Dierker, Donna" <do...@wustl.edu<mailto:do...@wustl.edu>>
Subject: Re: [HCP-Users] automatic drawing of circles on a surface

OK, it's more clear. But how / why this should create accurately circular 
patches? I just get patches as before -or I do not call it correctly. Also, 
unfortunately, from the help it is not clear to me what dilate function tries 
to achieve... Thanks again.

On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 9:53 PM, Glasser, Matthew 
<glass...@wustl.edu<mailto:glass...@wustl.edu>> wrote:
Given your output of wb_command -surface-geodesic-distance is a metric GIFTI 
file you could use -metric-dilate.



From: Vadim Axel <axel.va...@gmail.com<mailto:axel.va...@gmail.com>>
Date: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 at 1:40 PM
To: Matt Glasser <glass...@wustl.edu<mailto:glass...@wustl.edu>>
Cc: "Elam, Jennifer" <e...@wustl.edu<mailto:e...@wustl.edu>>, 
"Dierker, Donna" <do...@wustl.edu<mailto:do...@wustl.edu>>

Subject: Re: [HCP-Users] automatic drawing of circles on a surface

Thank you, Matt. But can you please provide more details because I do not fully 
understand. There are -cifti-dilate, -metric-dilate and -label-dilate. Which 
one do I use?  If this is the former, it seems that I still need to create the 
label manually. If you mean two former, it is not clear to me how I "start with 
values at the vertices".

On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 8:50 PM, Glasser, Matthew 
<glass...@wustl.edu<mailto:glass...@wustl.edu>> wrote:
You should be able to start with values at the vertices and then use a dilate 
command to make the circles.



 on behalf of Vadim Axel <axel.va...@gmail.com<mailto:axel.va...@gmail.com>>
Date: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 at 12:46 PM
To: "Elam, Jennifer" <e...@wustl.edu<mailto:e...@wustl.edu>>
Cc: "hcp-users@humanconnectome.org<mailto:hcp-users@humanconnectome.org>" 
"Dierker, Donna" <do...@wustl.edu<mailto:do...@wustl.edu>>

Subject: Re: [HCP-Users] automatic drawing of circles on a surface

Nice feature, thanks Jennifer. Though, not sure that it will help me because I 
have hundreds of patches that should be created automatically. As far as I 
understand, there is no functionality to create foci file automatically.

BTW, unrelated, I wonder whether there is a way in the workbench to select some 
vertex not by a mouse click, but by providing the vertexID (or MNI coordinate). 
Something like in matlab Ctrl+G, where you jump directly to some line.

Thank you.

On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 6:31 PM, Elam, Jennifer 
<e...@wustl.edu<mailto:e...@wustl.edu>> wrote:

Hi Vadim,

You could also try creating foci at the coordinates of the electrodes in the 
wb_view GUI, which you could show as spheres like in the image you are trying 
to emulate.

To create foci, click on "Foci" in the Mode section of the Toolbar and a set of 
Foci buttons will appear at the bottom of the Toolbar. Click on "New" and use 
the dialog to create a *.foci file to save your foci, and add your first focus 
at your electrode coordinates, and make sure the "Project to Surface" checkbox 
is checked at the bottom of the dialog. Continue the process for all the 
electrodes you want to show.

When you are done adding foci to the *.foci file you created, don't forget to 
go to File>Save/Manage Files to save the *.foci file to disk. Even though you 
set a file name in workbench, that doesn't save the file without this step.

To adjust the way the foci are shown (size, shape, color, etc.), open the 
Features Toolbox (View>Features Toolbox, or toolbox-looking icon at the top far 

You also might want to create a *.scene file to save your work as you do this 
(clapboard icon at top right) so you can pick up where you left off if you need 
to, but again you need to go to File>Save/Manage Files to save the *.scene file 
to disk.

There is Help info on all these features in the Workbench Help (? icon at top).

Hope that helps!


Jennifer Elam, Ph.D.
Scientific Outreach, Human Connectome Project
Washington University School of Medicine
Department of Neuroscience, Box 8108
660 South Euclid Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110

 on behalf of Vadim Axel <axel.va...@gmail.com<mailto:axel.va...@gmail.com>>
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 9:41:23 AM
To: Dierker, Donna
Cc: hcp-users@humanconnectome.org<mailto:hcp-users@humanconnectome.org>
Subject: Re: [HCP-Users] automatic drawing of circles on a surface

Thank you Donna.

You are right that using midthickness my patches become more circular (though 
still not fully). However, the main reason I want to use the inflated or even 
very inflated view is because using for example midthickness some of the 
patches are hidden within the sulci (see attached image). The question is 
whether there is a way to make some drawing on the surface irrespective of 
vertices, probably by exporting the surface...

On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 4:26 PM, Dierker, Donna 
<do...@wustl.edu<mailto:do...@wustl.edu>> wrote:
Hi Vadim,

Try looking at your patches on an anatomical surface (e.g., white, 
midthickness, pial).
They probably will look more like what you expect.
The inflated surface necessarily distorts the shape of overlays.
See attached capture which shows distance borders from AVM on midthickness in 
the lower left corner, on the inflated at right.



On Apr 26, 2017, at 5:17 AM, Vadim Axel 
<axel.va...@gmail.com<mailto:axel.va...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Dear experts,

I use connectome workbench to visualize position of intracranial electrodes.My 
intention was to make a small circle around each location.  For that, I took 
MNI coordinate of an ellectrode converted it to vertexID (wb_command 
-surface-closest-vertex) and then found vertices within 2mm (wb_command 
-surface-geodesic-distance).  Instead of circles, I got non-circular patches 
(see attachment, left). Can someone suggest how can I create circles like in 
the right picture?

Thanks for the help,
HCP-Users mailing list


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