Thanks for the detailed explanations!

I have just one follow up question regarding this point:

On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 11:57 PM, Timothy Coalson <> wrote:

> Some techniques like hyperalignment use this "correspondence" concept
> aggressively, and allow you to have discontinuities (this area is on the
> "wrong" side of this other area in this subject - we have evidence that
> some subjects do actually have areas shifted or split), however MSMAll
> doesn't allow this (the constraints it imposes to prevent this make the
> problem easier to solve, and possibly more robust to noise).  When we talk
> about "spherical distortion", we are talking about artifacts of this
> "correspondence-finding" process, there is still no anatomical distortion
> caused to individual data.

Such splitting or shifting of areas would make comparisons with other
subjects (like averaging statistics etc.) in principle problematic - also
using the MMP1.0 parcellation for these subjects would be wrong for these
areas. Are these subjects indicated in some way? (like having the QC_Issue
codes A or B? or these problems are more subtle?)
Once again many thanks,

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