> Julien, when you say the method still has predictive value in the large
> sample 'without confounds', do you mean without removing confounds or after
> deconfounding? It's also not clear to me whether the scores the Ma study
> reported are deconfounded or not, but I guess they are not. If one is
> interested in the added value of fMRI predicting cognition (my case), it
> makes sense to be conservative, so I would be interested in knowing whether
> there's something left in the deconfounded space.

Sorry, my phrasing wasn't clear. I mean that I obtain similar results to
the Megatrawl and to the Ma poster, WITHOUT deconfounding as performed in
the Megatrawl. I will let you know how it looks once I use the same
deconfounding as in the Megatrawl, i.e.: "Prediction takes place after
removing sex, age, age^2 , sex*age, sex*age^2 , brain & head size (as
estimated by FreeSurfer), overall head motion (a summation over all
timepoints of timepoint-to-timepoint relative head motion) and acquisition
date as confounds (the last of these is actually the “acquisition quarter”,
which is useful to include because there was a slight change in rfMRI
reconstruction code during the third acquisition year-quarter; in future we
will instead use the actual reconstruction code version as the confound)."
- Julien

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