That process does not replicate how the timeseries data were gotten on the 
surface to begin with.  What is it that you are trying to accomplish with this?



 on behalf of Seyedehrezvan Farahibozorg 
Date: Friday, June 1, 2018 at 1:05 PM
To: "<>" 
Subject: [HCP-Users] Mapping NIFTI to CIFTI

Hi all,
I have results of a subject-specific connectivity analysis on a) volumetric 
(.nii.gz) and b) CIFTI grayordinates (.dtseries.nii) data for a subset of 3T 
rfMRI HCP1200 subjects. In order to check the spatial correspondence, I am 
trying to map the former onto the space of the latter.

To do so, I used the following steps using wb command line:

1- Mapped the volumetric data to subject-specific surface using 
wb_command -volume-to-surface-mapping $input_nii $subject_gifti_left 
$output_gifti_left -trilinear
                wb_command -volume-to-surface-mapping $input_nii 
$subject_gifti_right $output_gifti_right -trilinear
2- Combined these mapped cortical responses and subcortical grey matter voxel 
responses in one CIFTI file using -cifti-create-dense-from-template:
                wb_command -cifti-create-dense-from-template  $template_cifti  
$output_cifti -series 1 0 -volume-all $input_nii -metric CORTEX_LEFT $ 
output_gifti_left -metric CORTEX_RIGHT $output_gifti_right

where $template_cifti is a group average of the aforementioned analysis on 
CIFTI data.

I was wondering if this way of mapping is correct? I would very much appreciate 
your feedback...

So many thanks,

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