Hi all,
I have results of a subject-specific connectivity analysis on a) volumetric 
(.nii.gz) and b) CIFTI grayordinates (.dtseries.nii) data for a subset of 3T 
rfMRI HCP1200 subjects. In order to check the spatial correspondence, I am 
trying to map the former onto the space of the latter.

To do so, I used the following steps using wb command line:

1- Mapped the volumetric data to subject-specific surface using 
wb_command -volume-to-surface-mapping $input_nii $subject_gifti_left 
$output_gifti_left -trilinear
                wb_command -volume-to-surface-mapping $input_nii 
$subject_gifti_right $output_gifti_right -trilinear
2- Combined these mapped cortical responses and subcortical grey matter voxel 
responses in one CIFTI file using -cifti-create-dense-from-template:
                wb_command -cifti-create-dense-from-template  $template_cifti  
$output_cifti -series 1 0 -volume-all $input_nii -metric CORTEX_LEFT $ 
output_gifti_left -metric CORTEX_RIGHT $output_gifti_right

where $template_cifti is a group average of the aforementioned analysis on 
CIFTI data.

I was wondering if this way of mapping is correct? I would very much appreciate 
your feedback...

So many thanks,

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