To Whom it may concern,

I am interested in extracting activations based on an atlas in grayordinate 
space from the HCP datasets.
In particular, I would be interested in using the Glasser parcellation from the 
BALSA database. In a previous thread on this mailing list I found that this is 
the file most people have been using:


I would have a few questions about using this parcellation.
My first question (which is probably trivial and I apologize for this) is: does 
the parcellation also cover subcortical areas or is it just a cortical 
parcellation? If it’s just cortical, would you have any recommendations on a 
complementary parcellation to add subcortical areas?
I have downloaded some subjects from the 1200 release and I was wondering, do 
you think it’s reasonable to use this parcellation and apply it to the task 
contrast maps (zscores) with the wb_command -cifti-parcellate? I know the code 
to do the individualized parcellation still has to be released, so I was 
wondering if in the interim this would be an acceptable solution.
Thank you very much.
Yours faithfully,

Leonardo Tozzi, MD, PhD
Williams PanLab | Postdoctoral Fellow
Stanford University | 401 Quarry Rd<> | (650) 5615738

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