
I am working on Resting State Stats following hcp_fix_multi_run and MSMAll.
My call to run_RestingStateStats.sh initially failed because it was
attempting to point to .fix within the resting state scan directory rather
than the hcp_fix_multi_run concatenated directory. Once I changed this it
seemed to run, however, I received an error within the .matlab.log

*RestingStateStats - Finished fslmaths filtering of motion confounds*
*Error using **
*Inner matrix dimensions must agree.*

*Error in RestingStateStats (line 232)*


This told me that I should change the Movement Regressor path from the
resting state scan to the hcp_fix_mult_run concatenation.

Here is the full call, I just want to make sure I am providing the correct

2000 0.800000
'/360CortSurf_19Vol_parcel.dlabel.nii' 'REVERT' 'stats' 'NONE' 'NONE' >>


Timothy Hendrickson
Neuroimaging Analyst/Staff Scientist
University of Minnesota Informatics Institute
University of Minnesota
Bioinformatics M.S. Candidate
Office: 612-624-0783
Mobile: 507-259-3434 (texts okay)

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