To Whom it may concern,

I have created a pconn.nii file based on connectivity measures obtained based 
on a parcellation that I put together (dlabel.nii), which contains cortical and 
subcortical areas (Glasser + Gordon subcortical).
This question might be trivial, but I would like to know if it is possible to 
visualize this matrix as a graph in workbench, i.e. if I can visualize lines 
“connecting” my parcels based on the values of the pconn file. If this is not 
possible, I would ask for any tips on how I could get the coordinates of my 
parcels in a space that at least resembles the brain, so that I can then 
connect them in another software. From the information I found in the mailing 
list, there seem to be ways to extract the greyordinate coordinates based on 
the dlabel.nii file and a corresponding .gii file. However, I was wondering if 
someone could outline the procedure for me or have any tips on achieving what I 
am trying to do in an optimal way.
Thank you very much.
Yours sincerely,

Leonardo Tozzi, MD, PhD
Williams PanLab | Postdoctoral Fellow
Stanford University | 401 Quarry Rd<> | (650) 5615738

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