The cifti format doesn't support that, because it is designed to allow use
without loading the entire file into memory - there is no obvious file
organization that would allow efficient loading of a full row from a single
triangular file, when seek times are nontrivial (rotating disks).  I don't
believe we have these files in any other format.  I'm also not sure how
easy it would be to work on such a matrix in matlab.  If wb_command is
capable of doing the operations you want, it is usually possible for it to
do them without loading the entire cifti file into memory at once.  wb_view
will also display maps from it without loading the entire file into memory.

DDR4 has 16GB modules available at reasonable prices, which should allow
recent computers with even 4 slots for memory to expand to 64GB.  You
should also consider the "high-end desktop" platforms (threadripper,
lga2066, lga2011), which typically offer 8 memory slots, and processors
with more cores.


On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 3:56 PM, Reza Rajimehr <> wrote:

> Hi,
> We are trying to unzip and load dense functional connectome
> ( or
> from
> article/announcing-release-of-s900-ptn-and-other-group-average-data) in
> Matlab on a system that has 32 GB RAM. This is of course impossible due to
> the fact that the files are ~33 GB in size. Due to matrix symmetry, it
> would be sufficient to store only the upper or lower triangular part of a
> functional connectivity matrix, reducing memory occupancy by about 50%
> (Loewe et al., 2016). Does HCP provide such files that could be
> memory-friendly?
> Best,
> Reza
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