
I am attempting to perform an analysis with the tool PALM with parcellated
surface data. Within the PALM wiki underneath the CIFTI examples portion it
is suggested to separate cifti files into it's discrete pieces, so I tried
to separate the parcellated file into the left and right hemisphere,
however I get a failure.

-cifti-separate merged_MyelinMap_MSMSulc.Glasser.pscalar.nii ROW -metric
CORTEX_LEFT merged_MyelinMap_MSMSulc.Glasser.L.func.gii -metric
CORTEX_RIGHT merged_MyelinMap_MSMSulc.Glasser.R.func.gii

ERROR: specified direction does not contain brain models

While running:
-cifti-separate merged_MyelinMap_MSMSulc.Glasser.pscalar.nii COLUMN -metric
CORTEX_LEFT merged_MyelinMap_MSMSulc.Glasser.L.func.gii -metric
CORTEX_RIGHT merged_MyelinMap_MSMSulc.Glasser.R.func.gii

ERROR: specified direction does not contain brain models

Any suggestions?

Thank you!


Timothy Hendrickson
Neuroimaging Analyst/Staff Scientist
University of Minnesota Informatics Institute
University of Minnesota
Bioinformatics M.S. Candidate
Office: 612-624-0783
Mobile: 507-259-3434 (texts okay)

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