Hi Armand !

On Mon, 19 Mar 2018 09:12:16 +0000 (UTC)
Armand MPASSY-NZOUMBA <armandmpa...@yahoo.com> wrote:

>  Dear Luis and community,
>     On Sunday, March 18, 2018, 11:56:12 PM GMT+1, Luis Falcon
> <fal...@gnu.org> wrote: 
> > You can always run the script from your client, without the need to
> > connect or import it or the data to the server.  
> Wonderful! This is a great functionality.

Thank you :)

> > Remember that SAO is currently no supported by GNU Health, but
> > I like your idea of having a portal to import the most used objects
> > (demographics, patients, products, ...). It can take the GNU health
> > version, the model to import and the CSV formatted file.  
> May I suggest that we extend these functionalities at client level as
> well. A number of health structures in developing countries have no
> or very limited Internet connections. Kind regards, Armand
Of course. The functionality is already there to run the import scripts
at the local network, or even within the server itself. So no need to
have an Internet connection.

All the best

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