So are we agreed that דיאיל is a variant of  די איל?  --Joan

>>> Jasmin Nof <> 11/12/2009 4:51 PM >>>
yes, it precedes ga'on ha-hasid rabenu bahyah the first time and then a

bunch of other words before Yiśraʼel ben Ḥayim (there should have
an ellipses below).  does that help?

Joan C Biella wrote:
> Well, I'm no Ladino expert, but in the first case you mention, I
> say we're dealing with a compound of  "de" and "el".  I would guess
> a dialect (or subdialect) word, and I guess I would romanize it as
> "de'el."  Why it's used before a proper name I don't know--is there
> really no "Rabi" or the like between?
> Short of finding an actual Ladino specialist, the solution may not
> easy.
> Joan
>>>> Jasmin Nof <> 11/12/2009 3:16 PM >>>
> hi, i'm cataloging Sefer Hovot ha-levevat in a ladino translation,
> vienna edition, and trying to figure out how to romanize דיאיל 
> ("ṭresladado דיאיל Rabenu Baḥya  ... ṭresladado דיאיל Yiśraʼel
> Ḥayim 
> de-Belgrado").  i've looked in the dictionaries we have, but they're

> only in roman characters, so not very helpful. i know that די is de
> דל is del. what am i missing?  please advise. 
> thanks!  jasmin
> Jasmin Nof
> Judaica and Hebraica Cataloger
> 2200 McKeldin Library
> University of Maryland
> College Park, MD 20742
> 301-405-9337

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