On Sat, Dec 26, 2009 at 5:33 AM, Lapohos Tibor <tibor.lapo...@rogers.com>wrote:

> Hello All,
> I have 2 SATA disks in an Intel Matrix RAID setup. It contains two volumes,
> one in RAID1, the other in RAID0 configuration. These I created using the
> Option ROM of the motherboard,  partitioned using cfdisk, and finally
> assembled into RAID devices using mdadm v3.0.3. As such, I obtained the
> following devices:
> /dev/md127 (the container to which /dev/md/imsm0 is pointing)
> /dev/md126 (the RAID1 "Volume0" pointed at by /dev/md/Volume0)
> /dev/md126p1 (the first partition intended to serve as the root fs)
> /dev/md126p2 (intended for user space)
> /dev/md126p3 (intended for swap)
> /dev/md125 (the RAID0 "Volume1" pointed at by /dev/md/Volume1)
> /dev/md125p1 (intended for user scratch space)
> /dev/md125p2 (itended for swap)
> (the long names came from mdadm v 3.0.3).
> If I boot from my USB memory stick, and make a stop at the grub shell, I
> can see all these partitions listed as (hd1) (hd1,[123]), (hd2) and
> (hd2,[12]), while my USB stick comes up under (hd0) and (hd0,[12]).
> Therefore, I would dare to say that grub does detect these devices.
> I tried to install grub 1.97.1 on /dev/md126 by countless ways without
> success. The command
> $ grub-install --modules=raid /dev/md126
> for example returns the error message
> $ grub-setup: error: no mapping exists for "md126"
> The /boot/grub folder got created correctly, but the "device.map" file does
> not mention any virtual RAID devices. It reads:
> (hd0) /dev/sda (SATA1)
> (hd1) /dev/sdb (SATA2)
> (hd2) /dev/sdc (USB flash memory stick)
> which, by the way, does not resemble what the
> sh: grub> ls
> command returns before booting (see the list described before).
> Do I need to give up using "fake RAID" and turn to pure SW RAID to get the
> system up and running, or is there a way to install GRUB2 in this
> configuration?
> Your help is much appreciated. Thanks ahead,
> Tibor
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> If you -know- that given drives will be in some positions during startup
then you can edit the device.map file your self to tell grub where things
will be on reboot.

You should only provide the containers; however a very important question
exists.  Are you able to select one of those containers as your boot volume
within the bios?  If so make it like that and tell grub that the volume is
'hd0' instead of /dev/sda.  Then you can do the usual setup/install and it
should work when using that device.map.
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