Hi, I've submitted this to support via a ticket, but am hoping someone
here may also have some insight:

I recently found my slug size expanded by a factor of two after I
moved some gems to a development group in an attempt to reduce slug
size. After following some advice I found on this list, I was able to
reduce my slug size to an acceptable level by adding rspec from my
development group, running 'bundle update' and pushing to heroku

Following this, however, I am unable to launch my application; it
fails on initialization with the following message in the heroku logs:

undefined method `load_tasks' for Rails::Application:Class

>From reading up a bit it seems that this might be related to version
dependencies between rails stable and rack stable. I attempted to
update to using the edge version of rack, but this led to multiple
dependency errors in the rest of my application stack.

If anyone has insight or has experienced similar your help is greatly
appreciated; I'm at a loss as to where to go next.

Many thanks,

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