I ended up reverting to a version of the Gemfile from before I created
the development and test groups, remade the groups, and was able to
fix the problem. I had installed edge rack as the initial message I
was getting is often indicated as a rack dependency mismatch with
rails 3, from what I have read. I removed rack from the gem file,
pointed auth_logic to the rails 3 branch, then remade the test and
development groups into a single block rather than two.

On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 8:14 AM, Alex Killough <alexkillo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, I've submitted this to support via a ticket, but am hoping someone
> here may also have some insight:
> I recently found my slug size expanded by a factor of two after I
> moved some gems to a development group in an attempt to reduce slug
> size. After following some advice I found on this list, I was able to
> reduce my slug size to an acceptable level by adding rspec from my
> development group, running 'bundle update' and pushing to heroku
> master.
> Following this, however, I am unable to launch my application; it
> fails on initialization with the following message in the heroku logs:
> undefined method `load_tasks' for Rails::Application:Class
> /home/app/3fa53056-c556-4944-980b-b1e98b169afe/Rakefile:10
> From reading up a bit it seems that this might be related to version
> dependencies between rails stable and rack stable. I attempted to
> update to using the edge version of rack, but this led to multiple
> dependency errors in the rest of my application stack.
> If anyone has insight or has experienced similar your help is greatly
> appreciated; I'm at a loss as to where to go next.
> Many thanks,
> Alex

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