I have noticed that MANY of the messages on http://status.heroku.com
generally take the following pattern:

1. We noticed elevated error rates
2. Our engineers are looking into it
3. The error rates have subsided and engineers are monitoring
4. The errors have subsided

The issue on 4/28 is a good example but I have seen this pattern
before and I am wondering:

1. Why do they use the term "elevated error rates". Does this imply
there are occasional errors on the Heroku platform normally and they
only really start looking into issues when the number of errors gets
too high? It seems to be when things are running normal there should
be 0 errors coming from the Heroku platform (obviously customer apps
will have errors). Or am I reading too much into their wording?

2. They don't really say they did anything. I would expect something
like "we found the root cause of <reason> and have done <action> to
fix the problem". But the wording almost implies all they did was
monitor the situation and the errors subsided on their own.

3. They say "the errors have subsided". Does that means they are just
getting the errors back into their acceptable range. Or that they are
no errors at all? Is there still some lingering issues?

I just find the wording of these status messages very vague and they
don't ever give me any confidence that the root cause has been
determined and permanently resolved. Am I just reading too much into
these messages?

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