Last year I just taped a hinge at the top. Not happy with that scheme (seems 
kind of fragile), this year I'm going to glue a strip of flashing to both yurt 
and door, inside and out, and reinforce it with bolts and wide washers (removed 
for transport). We'll see how it works.

Extra points for figuring out how to hold the door up during entrance and exit. 
Kind of a pain getting bumped in the butt all the time.

Hollywood Diet Secrets Fall Into Non-Celebrity Hands

HOLLYWOOD-- In a major Hollywood security leak, an Encino, CA, company has made 
"Weight-Loss Secrets Of The Stars" available to the non-famous. Direct Sales 
International made the offer through ads last week in The National Enquirer and 
Weekly World News. "Learn how the rich and famous take unwanted pounds off 
FAST--and KEEP them off!" the ad read. "I am horrified by the implications of 
this," Julia Roberts said. "The institution of celebrityhood could crumble, 
with our thigh-trimming and belly-banishing secrets now public. The global 
balance of beauty has tipped forever. God help us all." 
        -- The Onion

On Aug 24, 2011, at 7:32 PM, Todd Reed wrote:

> Howdy all,
> Got our yurt all ready to pack except for one small detail, the door hinges. 
> I tried using tape on the door but it seemed to sag a little so when I tried 
> closing it the closure wasn't exact and I ended up pushing the door into the 
> sill.
> I've now got a ply kickplate but don't envision anything more elaborate like 
> a hinge ply sandwich to hang the door on. I could do that but it seems like 
> overkill. I was looking at metal hinges at home depot today and didn't feel 
> like I wanted to do that. but open for suggestions.
> I'm using magnets as the door 'latch.' So, what's the scoop, what's the best 
> way? I could tape it like a cat door, but hoping to get it to swing from left 
> to right.
> Todd
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