left you a voice message on your machine,
did you run the card? Did you get the confirmation #? I was waiting for your email all weekend long, and never got it, so can you confirm, that you did indeed make a payment for $600.00, I would appreicate it, and confirming that I have one Chinook on offical order now.

Please advise.

On Oct 10, 2007, at 3:11 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Your best source here, as far as I know, is going to be Susann Palmer's book, if you can find a copy. She broke down the history of the HG century by century, and (being English) had a more Anglo-centric view on the history, so there should be something there that you can use. Just be prepared to take what she says with a grain of salt (if you have that expression). Some of her
research was quite good, and some was wildly inaccurate.


nobody? sigh...

maybe more general: can you point me to pictures of hurdy gurdies or
music that was possibly played on hurdy-gurdies in England before 1900?

thanks a lot,

does anybody know anything about hurdy-gurdies in England at the time
1790-1800. Which types did exist, which repertoire was played? Is
there any (famous) evidences close to this period?

thank you,

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