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Built atop an extinct volcano plug, the Buddhist monastery of* Taung
Kalat*is one of the most breathtaking sites in Burma and the world.
Many people call the hill on which the monastery was built, Mount Popa, but
they’re mistaking it with the much higher volcano, close by. The hill is
called Taung Kalat and though it looks like a mere bump when compared to
Mount Popa, climbing it is quite a task. There are seven hundred seventy
seven steps to from the bottom, all the way to the Buddhist monastery.
The locals believe Nats (37 demigod-like beings) live inside *Taung
Kalat*hill and judging by the heavenly views from up there, they just
might be
Climbing up Taung Kalat, you’re bound to run into some adorable Macaques,
but be careful, they’re wild creatures and are likely to snatch anything you
lay on the ground, before you even have the chance to blink.
*Taung Kalat Monastery* and its surroundings are truly unique, but unless
the Burmese government intervenes soon, they will degrade beyond recovery.








~~~Whatever mountains stands in your path,
Whatever obstacle blocks your way,
Whatever difficulty immobilized you,
The prayer full of faith can remove it~~~.

~~~Lidah orang yang berakal terletak
di belakang hatinya. Hati orang yang
bodoh terletak di belakang lidahnya~~~

~~~fairlady.sha...@gmail.com~~* *~

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