Islamic Youth Awakening (Sahwah) Campaign 79

Please remember that Monday is our Islamic Youth Awakening day.

1. Glorious Quran on Good Manners:

 Do not follow up what you have given to others to afflict them with
reminders of your generosity [2/262].
2. Words of Wisdom from Prophet Mohammad (PBUH):

"Allah is One and likes Unity." (Muslim)

"The best of alms is that, which the right hand gives and the left hand
knows not of." (Bukhari)

3. Videos Of Prophet Muhammad:
Did Prophet Muhammad commit Sins?<>

What do you know about Muhammad
By Yusuf Estes., A Catholic convert to Islam.

4. Wives of the Prophet (Mothers of the Believers), A Model for all women

Aishah bint Abi Bakr

Hafsa bint Umar

Yes you can be strong Muslim, please sign the petition :  Muslim Youth Code
of Honor<>

Required a million signature each year Until that last Muslim Youth sign in.

Please circulate this posting to your brothers and sisters, Jazakum Allah

Please note that this posting is for adults too.

Dr. Adel Elsaie

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