Agree. Pick up  ONE theme and ask for everybody to contribute. If 
satisfactorily covered, pick another and so on.
René J.

--- On Thu, 4/2/09, Rittman, Barry R <> wrote:

From: Rittman, Barry R <>
Subject: RE: [Histonet] So... I Need Some Expert Advice:
Date: Thursday, April 2, 2009, 11:44 AM

Might I suggest that what we need on Histonet is to deal with some basic
questions in histology that have never been answered in detail but have only
been touched upon.
Histonet has a great deal of expertise and it seems we should be asking these
major questions.
Topics such as what is optimal time of fixing, best waxes etc. and why should
be issues here.
My perception is that we often will give personal opinions as to what the best
techniques or materials are but not the science behind the rational for choosing
these, maybe because we do not know. However I feel that this is an area that we
need to expand.
Hope that this makes sense. I've had a week of family medical issues,
broken plumbing under the house (guess that better than personal plumbing being
broken!), two computer crashes and fire ants to name only the major ones. 
There is therefore, in my opinion, no way to go but up from here so can we hear
your views please?

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