Hi Namit,

Sounds like a good plan to me.


On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 2:04 PM, Namit Jain <nj...@facebook.com> wrote:

> Carl,
> Now that all the blocking jiras for 0.6 have been committed, can we release
> 0.6, say end of the week ?
> We can give some notice to people if they want to file a blocker in the
> next 2-3 days.
> Thanks,
> -namit
> ________________________________________
> From: Namit Jain [nj...@facebook.com]
> Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 9:44 AM
> To: Carl Steinbach
> Cc: hive-dev@hadoop.apache.org
> Subject: RE: release 0.6
> I am not sure what kind of downtime would it involve for us (facebook).
> We will have to make a copy of the production metastore, and then perform
> the changes.
> If that takes a long time, we will have to come up with some quicker
> upgrade solutions -
> We will try to do that today, and get back to you.
> Thanks,
> -namit
> From: Carl Steinbach [mailto:c...@cloudera.com]
> Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 11:23 PM
> To: Namit Jain
> Cc: hive-dev@hadoop.apache.org
> Subject: Re: release 0.6
> Hi Namit,
> It used to be much higher in the beginning but quite a few users reported
> problems on some mysql dbs. 767 seemed to work most dbs. before committing
> this can someone test this on some different dbs (with and without UTF
> encoding)?
> Copying my response to Prasad from HIVE-1364:
> "It's possible that people who ran into problems before were using a
> version of MySQL older than 5.0.3. These versions supported a 255 byte max
> length for VARCHARs. It's also possible that older versions of the
> package.jdo mapping contained more indexes, in which case the 767 byte limit
> holds. Also, UTF encoding should not make a difference since these are byte
> lengths, not character lengths."
> Another point is that HIVE-675 added two 4000 byte VARCHARs to the mapping,
> and this patch is present in both trunk and the 0.6.0 branch. I haven't
> heard that anyone is experiencing problems because of this.
> Do we really need it for 0.6, or should we test it properly/take our time
> and then commit it if needed.
> Yes, I think we really need these changes. Several people have already
> commented on the list about hitting the 767 byte limit while using the HBase
> storage handler.
> What kind of testing regimen do think is necessary for this change?
> Thanks.
> Carl

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