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Oleh kerana saya mengambil cuti lama tidak menyertai dalam mana-
mana forum debat antarabangsa, di sini saya mengambil kesempatan
berdebat dengan Aishah, wanita Melayu yang memeluk ugama Christian.
Saya sudah mula menyerangnya dengan soalan-soalan mengajaknya
berdebat dengan saya. Biasanya, tidak semestinya Aishah yang akan
menjawab cabaran saya. Soalan saya akan diserahkan kepada satu
team Gerakan Kristian Antarabangsa untuk dijawab. Oleh itu netters
Hizbi dapatlah peluang mengikuti debat ini. Mungkin ada yang tidak
boleh faham perjalanan debat sepenuhnya kerana ia adalah dalam
bahasa Inggeris dan ia melibatkan istilah teologi Kristian yang
tinggi. Kita tunggu reaksi daripada pihak Aishah. Saya akan siarkan
perjalanan debat ini dalam HizbiNet. Harap bersabar.



       Flaws In the Bible?
       Wed, 10 May 2000 20:02:52 +0800
       Tiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Aishah,

I think you can recall who I am. Someone who once wrote to
you asking questions about Christianity. I have been reading
the Bible, and would like to ask you some more questions.
Here it goes ...

About the "serpent" in:

Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals
the Lord had made (in the Garden) [Genesis 3:1]

The above verse clearly says that the "serpent" was an animal
created by God, and it should not be the Satan. When Adam and
Eve was tempted that caused their fall, God also put the blame
on the "serpent". As the following verse mentions:

So the Lord said to the serpent, "Because you have done this,
cursed are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals."
[Genesis 3:14]

My question is ... why should the serpent be cursed when some
Christians think that it was the Satan who caused Adam dan
Eve's fall?

Note that the Bible clearly says the "serpent" as an animal,
a real animal, not something figurative pointing to the work
of Satan.

How would you explain that?


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