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Afghanistan: US sets stage for a massacre in Kunduz

By Peter Symonds - 22 November 2001


The conditions are being established for a slaughter at Kunduz, in
northern Afghanistan. Up to 20,000 Taliban fighters, including several
thousand of the Talibans foreign supporters, are trapped in the citymany
of them fled there last week after neighbouring cities such as
Mazar-e-Sharif and Taloqan fell to the US-backed Northern Alliance. Apart
from the southern city of Kandahar, it is the last significant Taliban

According to Pakistani newspapers, Taliban leaders inside Kunduz indicated
on Monday their willingness to surrender but not to the Northern Alliance,
which has already carried out the summary execution of prisoners
elsewhere. Taliban commanders indicated that they were prepared to lay
down their arms before a UN observer team or a multinational coalition
force and hand over the city in return for safe passage.

The US quickly stepped in to scotch any such plan. US Defence Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld said he would do everything he could to prevent a
negotiated deal to end the stalemate in Kunduz. Referring to the foreign
Taliban fighters, he said: My hope is that they will either be killed or
taken prisoner. Theyre people who have done terrible things. He left any
talks up to the Northern Alliance, saying that the US was not inclined to
negotiate a surrender.

The UN rapidly followed suit, washing its hand of any involvement in a
surrender. Special representative to Afghanistan Lakhdar Brahimi
acknowledged that the UN had been contacted by Taliban leaders in Kunduz
but was not in a position to agree as it had no forces in the area. He
told the press that he would ask his deputy Francesc Vendrell to ask the
Northern Alliance to treat this situation with as much humanity as

As a result, the Northern Alliance will decide the fate of thousands of
Taliban fighters. General Mohammed Daud, the Northern Alliance commander
on the Kunduz front, has already made his attitude clear. He is prepared
to negotiate a deal with Afghan Taliban leaders but has ruled out any
talks with foreign terrorists. He declared last week: We will not deal
with them, they are killers... The foreigners are living between life and

Another Northern Alliance commander Pir Muhammad was even more explicit:
These foreigners have killed thousands of civilians. Their hands are
covered with the blood of our people. We will avenge this. He said the
Northern Alliance would have no trouble picking out the terrorists and
foreigners among the thousands of other troops in Kunduz. We know who the
criminals are, he said.

Daud has issued an ultimatum to the Taliban to surrender by Friday or face
the consequences. Negotiations are still underway but only with Afghani
representatives of the Taliban.

Sketchy details from refugees fleeing Kunduz, which had a population of
around 100,000, paint a picture of chaos. The US is continuing to heavily
bomb the city on a daily basis. A number of civilians have been killed and
injured, including three children who were playing when a bomb hit a
nearby house. One refugee, who made clear she did not support the Taliban,
said: People are not happy with the bombing... They say the Americans
should bomb the front lines [rather than the city] because our children
are being killed.

The international media have highlighted reports that foreign Taliban
supporters in Kunduz are preparing to fight to the death and have executed
hundreds of Afghani deserters. The press routinely identifies all
foreigners with Osama bin Laden, the alleged perpetrator of the September
11 attacks, and his Al Qaeda network. Within Afghanistan, US propaganda
transmitted in local languages by radio from US planes reinforces the same
message, exhorting Afghanis to drive the foreign terrorists out of the

The majority of foreigners fighting alongside the Taliban, have not,
however, been recruited by bin Laden. Many are supporters of Islamic
fundamentalist parties in Pakistan. Some are not even trained fighters but
raw recruits who joined in recent weeks after being incensed by the US
attacks on Afghanistan. Mahsood Ali, 22, held prisoner by the Northern
Alliance in a squalid jail in Taloqan is one such foreign terrorist. He
came to Afghanistan from Peshawar three weeks ago with three of his
friends. They are all dead and, clearly fearing for his own life, he told
a Time reporter: I think I made a mistake coming to Afghanistan.

The exact composition of Taliban forces in Kunduz is unclear. Even General
Daud, however, who claims that there are more than 10,000 foreign fighters
in the city, says that only 1,000 are connected to Al Qaeda network.
According to him, at least two-fifths are Pakistanis and the remainder are
from Central Asia and the Middle East. The purpose of branding all foreign
Taliban as terrorists is obvious: it is to justify in advance any
slaughter that takes place in Kunduz and elsewhere.

Massacre at Mazar-e-Sharif

The fate being prepared for the foreign terrorists is evident in
neighbouring Mazar-e-Sharif, just 200 kilometres to the west of Kunduz.
The entry of the Northern Alliance into Mazar-e-Sharif on November 9 was
the start of the rapid collapse of Taliban across the country.

Reports soon began to emerge that the Northern Alliance had murdered
Taliban fighters. On November 14, UN spokeswoman Stephanie Bunker,
speaking in Islamabad, confirmed reports that 100 Taliban had been killed
by Northern Alliance troops. I dont know whether we can say theyre out of
control and running amok, she said. The Northern Alliance denied the
accusation, claiming that the Taliban had not surrendered but were killed
in the course of fighting.

More details have now begun to emerge. A Time journalist who entered
Mazar-e-Sharif last week pieced together the story from local Northern
Alliance commanders, their fighters and civilian eyewitnesses. According
to this account, some 900 Pakistanis were left behind by the Taliban as
they fled the city. Northern Alliance troops found them holed up in a
former girls schools, which they used as their garrison. Fighting broke
out when they refused to surrender.

The following day, two US fighter bombers were called in and, guided by
spotters, scored two direct hits on the front of the school, killing
scores of those inside. A crowd of onlookers gathered outside the school.
Some called on the Pakistanis to give themselves up, others chanted Kill
the touristsa contemptuous reference not only to their recent arrival but
also their fighting skills.

The bitterness stems from a legacy of atrocities in Mazar-e-Sharif. The
Taliban first took the city in 1997 but provoked a local uprising with the
imposition of their rule, particularly among the ethnic Hazaras whose
adherence to the Shiite sect is treated by the Taliban as heresy. The
local militianow part of the Northern Alliancebrutally murdered at least
1,000 Taliban prisoners. The Taliban captured the city the following year,
taking their revenge by butchering thousands of Hazarasmen, women and

According to the Time report, the Pakistanis decided to surrender
following the US attack on the school. The Pakistanis could hear the
chants of the crowd. But they shouted back that they were coming out to be
arrested. Alliance soldiers waited until more than 100 had emerged,
eyewitnesses say, then opened fire. Most of the Taliban soldiers were cut
down as they walked. A handful fought back, scaled the walls and escaped
into the city. The Alliance troops gave chase, shooting them as they ran
through the streets and pursuing them into nearby houses. The Taliban took
several families hostage; eyewitnesses said an unknown number died in the

The standoff continued for several days. On November 12, a number of local
mullahs approached the school calling on the troops to surrender.
Suspecting another trap, the Pakistanis shot them. The Northern Alliance
then attacked the building and set fire to it. Some of the Taliban were
taken prisoner when they ran out and immediately put down their weapons.
Others were shot in cold blood. The siege finally ended the following day
when Northern Alliance troops stormed the building. Of the 900 fighters,
only 325 were taken prisoner. Red Cross officials have recovered 400
bodies and 200 remain unaccounted for.

One question remains. What was the US involvement in this atrocity?

For weeks now, hundreds of US special forces troops, military advisers and
CIA operatives have been active in Afghanistan. While there is a virtual
media blackout on their activities, it has been reported that they have
been operating closely with the Northern Alliance and were involved in
preparing and planning the offensive against Mazar-e-Sharif. Special
forces troops have been engaged in identifying targets and guiding the
attacks of US warplanes.

If the cloak of secrecy is ever lifted from this dirty affair, there are
some obvious questions. How closely were US advisers involved in planning
the Northern Alliance offensive against Mazar-e-Sharif and what were the
orders in relation to Taliban prisoners? Did US military personnel
accompany Northern Alliance troops in the capture of the city and in what
capacities? Who were the spotters that brought in the air strikes against
the Taliban-held school on November 10?

Whatever the direct US involvement, US spokesmen have made no strong
protest against this massacre or the summary execution of Taliban
prisoners elsewhere by Northern Alliance troops. This tacit approval gives
the green light to the US-allied warlords to carry out further atrocities.

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"O you who believe, fasting is made obligatory on you as it was made for
those before you, so that you may achieve Taqwa (God Consciousness).
(Fasting) for a fixed number of days; but if any of you is ill, or on a
journey, the prescribed number (Should be made up) from days later. For
those who can do it (With hardship), is a ransom, the feeding of one that
is indigent. But he that w ill give more, of his own free will,- it is
better for him. And it is better for you that ye fast, if ye only knew.
Ramadhan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur'an, as a guide to
mankind, also clear (Signs) for guidance and judgment (Between right and
wrong). So every one of you who is present (at his home) during that month
should spend it in fas ting, but if any one is ill, or on a journey, the
prescribed period (Should be made up) by days later. God intends every
facility for you; He does not want to put to difficulties. (He wants you)
to complete the prescribed period, and to glorify Him in that He has
guided you; and perchance ye shall be grateful." (Holy Qur'an 2:183-185)

Information on Fasting In Islam: http://www.inin.net/fasting.htm

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