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Ini berita benar atau propaganda hanya Allah saja Maha Mengetahui.
Dilaporkan Osama masih hidup dan berada di Afghanistan. Memang
puak Taliban masih berkeupayaan menentang Amerika, dan ini
membimbangkan tentera Amerika sendiri kerana perang akan berlan-
jutan bertahun-tahun lamanya, seperti apa yang dirancang oleh
pihak Taliban, cara perang gerila. Amerika akan menerima nasib
sama dengan Rusia ketika dahulu. Matlamat Taliban ialah memalukan
Amerika nanti satu masa akan datang mereka terpaksa berundur dari
bumi Afghanistan. Setiap hari ada-ada saja tentera Amerika di-
bunuh sedikit demi sedikit yang tidak dilaporkan oleh media
massa Barat. Rakyat Afghanistan mula membalas dendam terhadap
Amerika. Ada kisah seorang pemberita bangsa Amerika dipukul
hampir mati berdekatan dengan sebuah kampung kerana kereta yang
dia pandu mati ditengah-tengah kampung. Ada kanak-kanak yang
mula membawa senjata menembak orang-orang Pakatan Utara dan
Shura Timur yang menjadi talibarut Amerika.

Pihak Taliban mengesahkan sekali lagi laporan tentang seorang
wanita Inggeris yang memeluk Islam, kemudian membunuh tentera
Amerika di Afghanistan.


JEDDAH (KPI): Usama Bin Ladin's deputy, Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri, said 
in an interview to an Arabic magazine that Al-Qaida has initiated a 
guerrilla war against America in Afghanistan and that martyrdom
operations will be one of the most important weapons of the Mujahi-
deen in this war. He said that so far just two such operations had 
killed 24 US soldiers and three Northern Alliance Commanders. He 
said, "We are present everywhere in Afghanistan and we will not 
allow the Americans to escape from this place insha-Allah". He 
further confirmed that Usama Bin Ladin is in Afghanistan and he is 
the Commander-in-Chief of the Mujahideen in this Jihad against the 
US troops, other disbelievers and hypocrites. He said that the news 
regarding the martyrdom of his family are all baseless lies of the
Western Media. He further said, "America always claim that its 
satellites can detect the animals crawling in Afghanistan but it 
was unaware of the fact that the Mujahideen were fighting under the 
command of Usama Bin Ladin in Qunduz." He assured the Muslim Ummah 
that the Mujahideen will fight to the last drop of blood against 
the Americans. He added that the Mujahideen are not cowards that 
they should hide in caves. Rather, martyrdom is their desire. 

Dr Ayman said that many paedophile Afghan commanders kept on claim-
ing that Usama Bin Ladin was in their region in order to extort 
money from the foolish Americans, but the fact was they were total-
ly unaware of the location of Usama Bin Ladin. He said that Jihad 
against Americans is a religious obligation so every Muslim should 
try to attack the US Government wherever they can and to try to des-
troy them economically, politically and in every possible way. While 
explaining the details of Al-Qaida's martyrdom operations, he said 
that in the first attack, a Northern Alliance helicopter was des-
troyed near Taloqan due to which 20 US Marines and three Northern
Alliance commanders were confirmed killed. One of these three com-
manders was Muhammad Mustafa, who was responsible for massacres of 
civilians in Mazar-e-Sharif. He said that this operation was carried 
by the Mujahid, Arbab Hashim, who was one of those Mujahideen who 
were in Qunduz. 

He said that the second operation was done by Umm Hafsah, a Mujahid 
woman from Britain who converted to Islam from Judaism. In Qunduz, 
she handed herself over to Rasheed Dostam's troops. US soldiers 
were taking her to Kabul when she exploded a bomb tied to her body. 
In this attack, it was confirmed that two US soldiers were killed 
but her British brother who was also with her, survived the ope-
ration and was an eyewitness of this. He gave the names of the 
two US soldiers killed in this operation, which azzam.com has al-
ready published previously, Dr Ayman ended by saying that the US
Government is hiding its real casualties from the World but how 
long can this continue?

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