Hey guys,
I have a few questions about coding a joystick into a mod.  If you have ever played Flight Simulator by MS or any other good ones you'll know that you can use the dial found on most joysticks to control your speed.  Well in the mod I am researching this for you fly an airplane and I would like to be able to do the same thing with that dial in this mod as is done in a flight sim.
By simple analysis I can tell the wheel on my Joystick (Microsoft Sidewinder 2) is dial with turn capacity of 180 degrees.  Now my assumption is that at the wheel has a sensor inside it that examines the position of the wheel and then outputs the necessary increment of data (speed in this case).  Seeing as the wheel is not setup with button states for binding like Joy4 or whatever I assume some coding will be involved, so my question is: does anyone know where I can find the code I need for the joystick? 
Also my joystick has the ability to turn 45 degrees on the Y axis while keeping still on the X axis, in Flight Simulator it causes the plane to do a sharp turn to a perpendicular to the ground.  Is there anyway to GET that turn data and reflect it on the Half-Life model? 
Finally, since the game I am working on is like a flight sim we want the joystick to function like a real joystick, pull back to ascend, push forward to descend.  Now the easiest way to make that happen is to invert the mouse in advanced controls however it is rather lousy playing with the mouse functioning like a joystick, so is there anyway we can program "Invert Joystick" into the code?


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