Yes varlock that was one of the ways i thought :) what i was wondering though was if there was any engFuncs ones they had already done instead of including more header files that may chunk the file size up more.
also which brings me to my next question then
if i am not mistaken fopen and fclose are old c syntax? then why not use fstream.h and use the file stream stuff? Is it the same or is one more reliable, safe and/or speeder then the other?
----- Original Message -----
From: Varlock
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 8:15 PM
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] file reading from...

#include <stdio.h>        // not sure which one or both of these two includes you need
#include <stdlib.h>
FILE *pFile = NULL;
void MyFunction( void )
    pFile = fopen( "filename.txt", "r" );        // "r" means read-mode
    if( !pFile )
        // error
    char line[1024];
    fgets( line, 1024, pFile );
    fclose( pFile );
    This code will open "filename.txt" in read-mode. You should do something if it doesn't load properly (where there's the // error comment). Then it reads the FIRST 1024 CHARACTERS or UNTIL A NEWLINE IS REACHED. The fgets function automatically reads up to the number of characters you pass it (in this case 1024) or until a newline character is reached. Now you can use line as you wish. Finally, the code closes the file.
- Varlock
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2002 7:39 PM
Subject: [hlcoders] file reading from...

gEngfuncs.COM_ParseFile takes tokens from the file and with it i can keep grabbing tokens but each token is delimited by white space.
char* pFile = gEngfuncs.COM_LoadFile("commandmenu.txt", 5, NULL);
pFile points to commandmenus contents so i have a pointer to whats in the commandmenu.txt but thats all of it :/.
What i was after was if there is a way to grab from a file one line at a time until it hits the newline character '\n'.
i have done it so far with grabbing chunks one at a time checking each character to see if its a new line then setting back the location read... it works but i don't like the way i have done it :(.
All i was after is if there is a better way to read one line at a time till the end line char is reached..... or do i have to start including fstream.h to start doing this type of stuff?
also another thing is i was after what each of the variables COM_LoadFile takes is?
("commandmenu.txt", 5, NULL);
i realise the first string is the file to draw it from
dunno what the 5 is??? someone enlighten me
and from looking i am guess where NULL is you can send a length variable to
have returned the length of the file or something?? but i am not sure only NULL seems to be used everywhere.
thanks to anyone that can help.

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