> At least we came to some sort of consensus.
> To Botman:
> I just did not appreciate Scott's, "I am too smart, I know I am right, I
> don't have the time for this..." attitude. Then again, I haven't really
> talked to very many people this week either... :P

I think everybody has a bad day every once in a while and many times that
shows through in posts to forums, e-mails, etc.  Two different people can
interpret the same post in different ways.  E-mail is such a poor mechanism
to express the emotions of the people who sent it and people can misconstrue
what somebody sent.  You have every right to post your opinion, just as
Scott does.  The important thing is to try to be mature (as you are) and
don't let little differences turn into a massive flamewar.  Okay, enough
preaching, we now return you to your regularly scheduled program...

Jeffrey "botman" Broome

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