Ok Mark, since we're both working at the same problem in paralell, the
V_FindViewModelByWeaponModel made sense and I sort of figured that out
before seeing Brandon's reply.

I just got the view setup correctly and the view models showing by changing

(in V_CalcSpectatorRefdef, about line 1496-ish)

// predict missing client data and set weapon model ( in HLTV mode or inset
in eye mode )
if ( gEngfuncs.IsSpectateOnly() )
         V_GetInEyePos( g_iUser2, pparams->simorg, pparams->cl_viewangles );
(..  a few lines later, the code that looks up
V_FindViewModelByWeaponModel(), and sets the
     view model ), etc.

So it doesn't check for IsSpectateOnly() .. (initially i did 'la ugly hack'
and changed it to if (1) but, i'll just comment out the if and else blocks.

I'm not sure if this is a bad idea or not. Can anyone think of why that is
a bad idea?

Pat 'sluggo' Magnan
Tour of Duty mod

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