First it's fogging, then it's particle systems. .. viewports must be the new
'black' this year. :)

----- Original Message -----
From: Alexander Jochum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 8:13 AM
Subject: [hlcoders] Viewport Question

> Hi there
> I added Bigguys viewport system to my mod now
> I have a few question...
> 1)
> How can I create a viewport above a specific entity lets say I know the
origin etc...
> 2)
> Is it possible to draw a viewport over a vgui menu ??
> Everytime I have a vgui menu opened and draw the viewport, it's behind the
> and through the grid of the vgui menu it's grayed.. ( oh it doesn't matter
if I draw the vgui menu first and then the viewport...)
> What I want is a clear second viewport over a vgui menu...
> 3)
> How is it possible to draw a viewport without the v_model ??
> I use this Code at the moment to Setup my viewport
> (it doesn't anything else then drawing the main viewport again...)
> void VP_EntityTest ( struct ref_params_s *pparams, vp_s *vp )
> {
> // this block is the only required data
> pparams->viewport[0] = XRES(vp->x);
> pparams->viewport[1] = YRES(vp->y);
> pparams->viewport[2] = XRES(vp->wide);
> pparams->viewport[3] = YRES(vp->tall);
> pparams->onlyClientDraw = vp->clientOnly;
> }
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