tei wrote:
Philip Searle wrote:
Why does the decal code handle decals with the name "}z_" specially?  I
can't quite understand what the code does (floating-point assembly isn't
my strong point).


texture are already mangled because encode stuff (special atributes)

name[0] = type,

"z_" can be a substring that trigger something

Possibly, but there's some code nearby that changes {blood decals to {yblood when content control is switched on so I think it's operating with raw decal names. Perhaps I'll try creating a decal called }z_ and see what it looks like in-game...

/* Starts a local sound - why is this needed? */
void (*pfnStartDynamicSound)( char *filename, float volume, float
pitch );


Menus? Music? "radar"? "sniper scope effect"? banned player triing to

Its this server or client?

This particular function is client-side. Good thinking on the meus; with the new launcher hooking into other parts of the engine, perhaps they use this for the button sounds? I'll try hooking it and seeing when it's called.

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