-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance Vorgin
Sent: 11 January 2005 09:35
To: hlcoders@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] This should not be possible, yet it works!?

A plugin should have all of the capabilities of the server module. It
makes the game more fun, more diverse, and all around stronger. I just
can't imagine any reason to close off things from plugin authors
besides jealously guarding your code (or hiding your crappy code :P).
Any mod that disables useful plugins from interacting with it frankly
deserves to die at the hands of its incredibly short-sighted

Regarding your example: plugin authors wouldn't modify player
health... That's a really, really bad example, but then again, it's a
really bad point as well. Mod-specific plugin and libraries for
plugins have always worked, and always will as well.

And why would it require the mod author to impliment things he never
uses? Well gee, I don't recall plugins shipping with HL2. Why did they
impliment the plugin interface if they never use it? Hell, they should
have just built the client, server, engine, and all supporting
libraries into one monolithic binary! I mean they have everything
available to them, why should they give other people capability to
build on their work with puny "mods", as the peasants call them.

Is it really that tough to release your class definitions and include
some symbol info? Give us some singletons? Is it really that hard? No,
it's not, and it'd help everybody.

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