On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 12:13:51 +0100, Beppo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I do not disagree, only for a little aspect... if you want your mod to be
> this or that way and not another and someone changes it to become that
> other, then it comes close to hitting the original mod authors right into
> their faces. Not all mods out there do wish to fit for every player around
> the globe. Some want to attract only a specific type of player and so will
> not change their basic rules to allow the 'unwanted' folks to join the party
> cause this will most times ruin the gameplay for the others.
If third party features are added that attract 'unwanted folks', then
those people will play only on servers with those features, not the
base mod servers.

> Fixing obvious bugs is another thing of course but only if they are really
> bugs and not features someone doesn't like.
Who cares what someone doesn't like? If you don't like it, leave the
server. Lord.

> New additional features should first be presented to the mod authors
> themselves. Maybe by even showing them first hand.
Why? I value their opinion, and respect them and their work, but if,
in my eyes, my feature would better the mod, I will add it regardless
of their input. My plugin / feature does not become mandatory across
all of their servers, just those that choose to run it.

> But the decission to include them in the next release
Yes, this is entirely up to them, as it is their project. Only they
can officially release things under their mod's name and their team's

> or 'granting you permission' to release the
> modification to players/servers that want to use it is up to them.
This is where you're wildly wrong. I can release whatever I damn well
please, and run whatever I want on my server. Sorry.

> New features often ruin the balance within the game
If they suck they won't be played. Survival of the fittest.

> or add features that the original mod authors simply don't want to be 
> integrated.
> Again, if your changes are good and in the lines of what the original mod 
> authors
> want or plan to do, then there shouldn't be any reason for them to not listen 
> to
> you.
The mod authors control the base mod, as it is their baby. I control,
however, what goes onto my server. If I want to run a plugin that adds
something that the mod authors consider blasphemous, but I enjoy, and
my community enjoys, then I will run it. They don't own my server.
Beyond that, again, successful mod authors rarely listen to reason.
There's a very obvious trend among mods.

> And if you then still want to do it, then I would consider you to make your
> own mod with your own ideas instead of ripping the work of others.
Nobody is ripping anybody. Plugin authors don't take credit for the
whole mod, just what they add, and rightfully so. Beyond that if a
plugin author takes time to improve the mod he obviously likes the
mod, so why would he write a new one? Now if the mod authors include
the features of that plugin into their mod without crediting the
original plugin author, _that_ is ripping.

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