"E.T." - Apparition Developper wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm curious whether it's possible with current Source engine to reload
> or switch all level lightmaps on demand.
> I would like to ask too wheter it's possible to load multiple BSP's.

Whats about to compile a BSP map with collisions and vising, but
invisible walls?

then break the map in tiny BSP models, and place the models in the
original position.

TADA!!.. tile world (1)

And yes, lightmaps will sux. Are you reading my mind?


original map (world bsp)

[ room1 ]
[       ]
 [        ]
 [  room2 ]
 [        ]

invisible map (world bsp):

tiles bsp (bsp entitys);

[ a ] [ ]


[        ]
[  c     ]
[        ]

reconstruct map (on runtime, bsp entity + invisible bsp world):

[ a     ]
[       ]
 [        ]
 [  c     ]
 [        ]
(the invisible map will provide the collision and vising... )
(will use the center of model or '0 0 0' for vising or bsp models? )


This solution not need engine changes/mod changes, so its cheaper.
Required this features:
 - invisible walls
 - load bsp models for entitys

 - vising may fight vs this tile entitys
 - loading big bsp models?
 - lighting may be horrible?

 - Will be fun to torture your favorite mapper triing to force him to
build something like that.
 - You will be able to swich tiles on the fly. (but collisions/vising
will not change!) => a more dynamic bsp map.
 - Torturing mappers its always fun. (naaa... just kidding)

note: (1) a horrible dificult to create and buggy tile world

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