Hey guys, I'm trying to replace the weapon selection icon in my HL2
Singleplayer mod and I've hit a wall. The problem is that instead of showing
my custom icon, it shows whichever character is assigned to it (the letter
"a" for example). Here's  my workflow so far.

-Create New Font and import and assign my weapon icon image to the letter

-Save Font as "CustomFont" into the "resource" folder of my mod

-From that same folder open "ClientScheme.res" and copy this code:

                "name"        "HalfLife2"
                "tall"        "64"
                "weight"    "0"
                "antialias" "1"
                "additive"    "1"
                "custom"    "1"


 -Paste the copied code right below it and change it to:

                "name"        "CustomFont"
                "tall"        "64"
                "weight"    "0"
                "antialias" "1"
                "additive"    "1"
                "custom"    "1"

-Save and close "ClientScheme.res" , go up one folder, and open the
"scripts" folder

-Open "weapon_crowbar.txt" and change this code:

// Weapon Sprite data is loaded by the Client DLL.
                "font"        "WeaponIcons"
                "character"    "c"
                "font"        "WeaponIconsSelected"
                "character"    "c"
                "font"        "WeaponIcons"
                "character"    "c"

to this:

// Weapon Sprite data is loaded by the Client DLL.
                "font"        "CustomFont"
                "character"    "a"
                "font"        "CustomFont"
                "character"    "a"
                "font"        "CustomFont"
                "character"    "a"

-Save and close and run mod

When I run my mod and pick up my new weapon instead of displaying the image
that I saved into my CustomFont it shows the actual letter "a". Does anyone
know what's going on with this or what I am doing wrong? I looked for
tutorials and information on this subject and didn't really find anything
too helpful. Thanks for the time and help guys.

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