Hi everyone,

I've successfully created an Orange Box TF2 Plugin, it compiles and 
loads correctly.
The Sample Plugin coming with the SDK (serverplugin_empty or similiar) 
contains a few
sample command triggers and code to load simple dumb bots.

The Bots while joining the game, and team are unable to join a class. 
I've tried emulating client commands like "join_class solider" or 
"joinclass 1" and every time I get an error message telling me its an 
unknown class. The original code which surely at some point worked used 
"joinclass 0", but class 0, civilian, no longer works and using other 
numbers or commands does not seem to work either. Also browsed through 
most of the API available to plugins but could not find any way to 
change the class of the bot.

How do I change the class of a bot, does anyone have example code 
working for TF2?

Is there a way to create a true TF2 mod? Do I have to start from scratch 
and reproduce most TF2 functionality? Or is a plugin the only way to go?

Thanks in advance,

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