I had trouble getting it to work when I was first adding it to GMod. I
don't remember exactly how I got it working but I think it was
something to do with something that was #ifdef'd out (probably an
#ifdef EPISODIC).

I remember it did take me a while to work it out - if you can't find
it let me know and I'll do a diff on the offending files.


On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 4:29 PM, Andrew Watkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Has anyone had any difficulty convincing antlion worker's spit to work
> properly? My workers spit, but the spit globules don't move.
> Its a hl2dm mod (OB), and in order to be able to create antlion workers
> using CBaseEntity::Create, I minimally overrode the antlion class to create
> an antlion worker class, the only diference being that the spawn function
> adds the SF_ANTLION_WORKER spawn flag. The worker code itself isn't the
> problem though, but the spit code (at least as far as I can tell)
> The spit blobs just don't move. The correct velocity parameters are
> definately getting passed in, and if read off immediately after the velocity
> is correct, but by the next frame its zero. The movetype is right
> (MOVETYPE_FLYGRAVITY), and its not VPhysics, so there's no call to
> CreateVPhysics, and adding one has no noticable effect. Gravity is
> definately applied, and has no effect either, and it is possible to walk
> into the blobs and take damage, so the engine isn't simply ignoring them.
> If you're looking for it (thanks!), its grenade_spit.cpp / .h, and the files
> aren't included in the project by default. (I added them.)
> As far as I can see, all the relevant stuff is set up in the same manner as
> for a regular grenade, except for the call to CreateVPhysics; and I just
> can't see why the damn blobs don't move.
> This is unmodified valve code, although I had to manually include it in the
> server project.
> Note: The sk_antlion_worker_spit_speed convar is definately set, I've used
> Msgs to check that the right velocity vector is going in to the call to
> SetAbsVelocity!
> Has anyone else tried these guys out, with success or otherwise?
> Thanks,
> Winston
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