Hey list,

about a month ago I started on a fix for this and it was to create the 
entity of grenades early and then spawn the sound immediatly so the 
sound would follow the entity and not the player.

been unable to do this, because I couldn't find a way to make the 
invisble entity appear again and stop following the player. Tried many 
things and it's just to complicated and unlogical to do for just a sound 

The sound is started when the (custom) EVENT_PULLPIN is activated, tick 
tick, throw away far, tick tick tick like it's still next to you. So 
that's problem nr.1 because the sound starts on the player it never 
follows the grenade.

Second problem is that only 1 of the same sound can be running at a time 
on the player entity, this is probably true for nade entities to but 
since there's more then one then they won't interfere with each other. 
But since the sound is started on the player and you throw a second 
grenade then the first sound is restarted and never finishes the first time.

So since the early entity thing isn't gonna work what else can I do?
Took a quick look at fastzombie code but couldn't find anything about 
the enveloppesounds that it uses on the Valve Developer Community.. on 
top of that I'm sure that would even help since fastzombie sounds follow 
it, and my sound follows the player. I don't even see a difference in 
that since both can move and in both cases the sound follows the entity, 
so what's the reason for the enveloppe?

Also was thinking of somehow passing EmitSound to the grenade entity 
when spawned but not sure if that's even possible, and wheter I must use 
pointers, references, something completely else or if it can't even work 
at all due to the way EmitSound works(which is really confusing btw.. 
there's like SIX functions all called EmitSound in CBaseEntity... o_0 )

Any help would be appreciated, if I don't get a answer I guess I'll have 
to leave it but I will have to come back on it eventually anyhow, better 
if I can fix it early then to have testers and the others devs nagging 
about the problem all the time :P

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