Still haven't been able to freeze animations, is it even possible?
here's some code I think should have worked:
In basecombatweapon.cpp:
void CBaseCombatWeapon::Operator_FrameUpdate( CBaseCombatCharacter 
*pOperator )
    // Update and dispatch the viewmodel events
    CBasePlayer *pOwner = ToBasePlayer( GetOwner() );

    if ( pOperator->GetFlags() & FL_FROZEN || pOwner->GetFlags() & 
        ClientPrint( pOwner, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "wooooooof" );
        m_flPlaybackRate = 0.0f;

    // animating weapon code and other code follows here, if not 
animating at least events seem to be launched from here

In c_baseplayer.cpp

void C_BasePlayer::PostThink( void )
#if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
    if ( GetFlags() & FL_FROZEN )

    if ( IsAlive())
        // do weapon stuff

        if ( GetFlags() & FL_ONGROUND )
            m_Local.m_flFallVelocity = 0;

        // Don't allow bogus sequence on player
        if ( GetSequence() == -1 )
            SetSequence( 0 );


    // Even if dead simulate entities

In player.cpp:

void CBasePlayer::PostThink()
    if ( GetFlags() & FL_FROZEN )

    // rest of code

Any help?

Yorg Kuijs wrote:
> Hey list,
> recently been trying to freeze weapon animations while a bool is set to 
> true, I'm not really sure what needs to be done and where though, I 
> believe StudioFrameAdvance should not be called, but animation still 
> continue, there's also the playbackrate but I'm not sure if setting it 
> to 0 will cancel the animation or just freeze it so you can start it 
> back up later.
> Also does anybody know if there's a existing function or something else 
> avaible that can freeze the weapon viewmodel animations?

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