The particle engine for Source 2007 blows. Theres no way you're going to be
able to afford that many particles on screen, aside normal particles for
whatever else you might want to be doing.

On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 4:41 PM, nick seavert <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm quite stuck on how to create more optimized rain like left 4 dead 2.
> I've gotten to the point where the func_precipitation emits the particle
> "rain_test" A custom particle by me for testing purposes.. Any ways.. I have
> 2 main problems. How will i make the splashes? Originally i kept the
> func_precip rain and just made it splash. But i figured it rendered splashes
> too far in the distance that were unnecessary. So here are a few options..
> A. Make fully integrated particles + splashes
> B. Edit the rain splash code to only splash within say 1000 units around
> the players view.
> So for A. I have the particles spawning, The problem is it spawns infinite
> emitters all through out the brush volume and it RAPES your computer until
> it crashes because of memory overload. So how can i make it only spawn One
> emitter for particles on the player.'
> Then on-top of this you have to some how make it register the particles to
> splash when it collides with the ground. In Half life 2 Episode 2's Particle
> Editor, I don't think there is an option where you're able to do that. If
> there is.. Please inform me!
> B. Would be the best thing to go about. Is there a way to limit the VDC
> splash code? I know you can change the percentage of splashes.. but I want
> all visible rain to splash.. Just not ones that are 7,000 units away that
> you'll never even see. It just causes unwanted performance loss.
> Ignore the brush I'm protruding. I spawn inside of a brush or something..
> And sadly the particle rain is going through the brush. ;) But i know why.
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