I'm no expert or anything, but following that link, and the source engine
Q. Can I use Valve IP in my Source Mod?

A. Yes. However, please make it clear on your store pages that your mod is
a mod and not created by Valve. Also, please do not distribute levels
directly taken from Valve IP games. If this is necessary for your mod, then
we can make it so that users must own the base Source game in order to play
your mod.

So, if you're not actually using hl2 levels, then you should be able to
contact them about that. I would post on the steamworks community, or email
someone you may know directly (like if you have a steam contact)

On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 3:06 AM, 3Turtles <3turt...@videotron.ca> wrote:

> It's a recent requirement Valve introduced a few years ago called
> "Community Mod" program.  Somehow Neotokyo mod avoided getting lumped into
> the mess everyone else has been forced into.  It's really sad too, in the
> first few months when our mod (Modular Combat) was available on Steam we
> had a massive number of players. Around 4000 unique players per month
> spread across 12 servers (located around the world) that were full 24/7 and
> this was despite servers crashing every 5 minutes due to a serious bug.
> Around 8 months later when Valve instated the Community Mod's program and
> made Half-Life 2 a requirement, player counts dropped dramatically to
> around 99% less players.  It would be a fluke if a server would have more
> than 6 players.
> http://store.steampowered.com/about/communitymods/
> With what Valve is earning from Steam alone, the income generated by sales
> of Half-Life 2 is a needle in a haystack. and since most players don't have
> Half-Life 2; all that work mod makers put into their games is pretty much a
> waste.  What would likely work better, some type of advertisement system
> built into the engine that announces steam sales. That would generate Valve
> way more sales while still allowing anyone to play mods.
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