
Type HLDSUPDATETOOL.EXE with no commands after it.  The program line
commands and switches will become available to you.  The -verify_all option
is /supposed/ to look at each and every file in your css and hl2 content
directories and ensure that they 1) exist and 2) match the latest versions.
I realize that this process is a catch 22 for VALVe as they were overwriting
map lists and map cycles with the updates originally; that process stopped
and when it stopped, I believe other checks stopped as well hence the
requirement for me to completly remove all files (as I did not, and do not
have a list of what files are not validated, I cannot tell you what one or
two to remove from your system to get bots functioning again).

You can type in the command line with the verify all as:

hldsupdatetool -command update -game "Counter-Strike
Source" -verify_all -dir c:\yourbigdir
The above command line assumes you are running CS Source; you would modify
the text after -game to whatever game you are running.

As I stated before, this process did *NOT* work for me.  My only solution
was to complete remove all VALVe content and reinstall from scratch.  I wish
you the best of luck on your endeavors.


Bud Ingram

----- Original Message -----
From: "archie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 2:03 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Server Crash

Exactly what does -verify_all options mean and where do I put it??????????

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