> Afaik, L4D's vote kick places a 5min ban on the kicked player so rejoining
> is not possible. Vote ban would be the most abused feature ever, they will
> never add that. Lastly, "troll" is not the right term for those players :P
> Griefer or Tk'er would be.

The votekick ban doesn't seem to actually work, since I have yet to see it
keep a votekicked 'player' away.

Voteban wouldn't be vulnerable to abuse as long as it only lasted until
the end of the session. Having votebans expire as soon as the game ends or
everybody leaves would be enough to see to that.

Griefing, TKing, and Trolling are different things. Griefing is
intentionally sabotaging the game, while trolling is using communication
abusively to elicit a response. Generally they all come as a package, but
occasionally you get a player who is actually playing the game but at the
same time being a wholly unpleasant person to be around.

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