I've finally had a chance to play the Death Aboard custom campaign. It's an
excellent offering, but ran into a few issues regarding the 6.0 and the 6.1
releases (possibly other versions may have had the same issue described

In Death Aboard, the author of a campaign (Diputs) has released a few
different versions of the campaign with different names for the VPK
(e.g.dthbrd61.vpk vs dthbrd6.vpk). Each VPK includes an updated campaign
name which includes the version number (Death Aboard 6.1).

Just from observing my friends, users with both versions installed are able
to click the Join button to enter the lobby, but the lobby system somehow
gets confused and boots them.  Once my friends removed the old version of
the campaign then everything worked as expected.

Anyone else encounter this issue?
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