Eric -

Is there any clarity Valve can share on which games this change will occur
with next? CS:S? HL2MP? HL1DM(Source)MP?

Also, is this planned eventually for GoldSrc-based titles as well? (HL1,
CS, DMC, TFC, DoD, etc.)? or will it only effect Source-based titles?

I ask because, although work-around's are now in-place/available for
various server-side mods (such as SourceMod and SourceBans) for
Source-engine games -  I do not think anything has been done yet with
preparing server-side mods (such as AMX-Mod-X and possibly AMX-Bans) for
GoldSrc-based games.

Best wishes,

- Weasel

On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 4:41 PM, Eric Smith <> wrote:

> We apologize for the lack of warning regarding the SteamID format change
> in today's update. It was our intent to give the community a heads-up
> before the change was released, but it was missed.
> The change was made to update TF2 to use the current SteamID format, which
> most other games on Steam and Steam itself uses. You will find that you can
> now use SteamIDs rendered by these other locations in your interactions
> with the engine. The engine will still recognize the old format, though, so
> your current server ban lists should still be valid.
> The conversion equation has already been posted by a community member, but
> here it is again:
>         Old:            STEAM_0:A:B
>         New:            [U:1:B*2+A]
>         Example:        STEAM_0:1:1234  --->    [U:1:2469]
> We're sorry for the problems this may cause while you update your scripts
> to use the new format. It was not our intent to disrupt your servers.
> -Eric
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