On 3/14/2017 5:07 PM, John Schoenick wrote:
We've released an optional update for Team Fortress 2. The notes for the
update are below. The new version is 3842775.

This is the toolchain update discussed previously on this list.  The
update is optional to give server operators a final grace period to
ensure their setups are valid, but be warned that there will be no
fallback available whenever the next mandatory TF update ships.

See the "Updated system requirements for TF2 dedicated servers" thread
for more information on the internal changes in this update.

Were the replay offloading options mistakenly removed in this update? This is causing some problems for us.

> replay_fileserver_offload_enable
Unknown command "replay_fileserver_offload_enable"

> sm_cvar replay_fileserver_offload_enable
[SM] Unable to find cvar: replay_fileserver_offload_enable

> rcon cvarlist replay
cvar list
replay_add_fake_replays : cmd : : Adds a set of fake replays replay_block_dump_interval : 10 : , "norecord", "cl" : The server will write partial replay files at this interval when recording. replay_buffersize : 32 : , "norecord", "cl" : Maximum size for the replay memory buffer. replay_clearqueuedtakes : cmd : : Clear takes from render queue. replay_data_lifespan : 1 : , "rep", "norecord", "cl" : The number of days before replay data will be removed from the server. Server operators can expect that any data written more than replay_data_lifespan days will be considered stale, and any subsequent execution of replay_docleanup (or automatic cleanup, which can be enabled with replay_fileserver_autocleanup) will remove that data. replay_deathcammaxverticaloffset : 150 : , "norecord", "cl" : Vertical offset for player death camera replay_debug : 0 : , "norecord" : Show Replay debug info. replay_deleteclientreplays : cmd : : Deletes all replays from client replay history, as well as all files associated with each replay. replay_docleanup : cmd : : Deletes stale session data from the fileserver. 'replay_docleanup force' will remove all replay session data. replay_dofileserver_cleanup_on_start : 1 : , "sv", "cl" : Cleanup any stale replay data (both locally and on fileserver) at startup. replay_dopublishtest : cmd : : Do a replay publish test using the current setup. replay_enable : 0 : , "rep", "norecord", "cl" : Enable Replay recording on server replay_enableeventbasedscreenshots : 0 : , "a", "norecord", "cl" : If disabled, only take a screenshot when a replay is saved. If enabled, take up to replay_maxscreenshotsperreplay screenshots, with a minimum of replay_mintimebetweenscreenshots seconds in between, at key events. Events include kills, ubers (if you are a medic), sentry kills (if you are an engineer), etc. NOTE: Turning this on may affect performance! replay_fileserver_autocleanup : 0 : , "sv", "cl" : Automatically do fileserver cleanup in between rounds? This is the same as explicitly calling replay_docleanup. replay_fileserver_host : 0 : , "rep", "norecord", "cl" : The hostname of the Web server hosting replays. This can be an IP or a hostname, e.g. '' or 'www.myserver.com' replay_fileserver_offload_aborttime : 60 : , "sv", "cl" : The time after which publishing will be aborted for a session block or session info file. replay_fileserver_path : 0 : , "rep", "norecord", "cl" : If your replays are stored at '', replay_fileserver_path should be set to '/tf/replays' replay_fileserver_port : 80 : , "rep", "norecord", "cl" : The port for the Web server hosting replays. For example, if your replays are stored at '', replay_fileserver_port should be 4567. replay_fileserver_protocol : 0 : , "rep", "norecord", "cl" : Can be 'http' or 'https' replay_flushinterval : 15 : , "a", "norecord", "cl" : Replay system will flush to disk a maximum of every replay_flushinterval seconds. replay_forcereconstruct : 0 : , "norecord", "cl" : Force the reconstruction of replays each time.
replay_ignorereplayticks                 : 0 :                  :
replay_local_fileserver_path : 0 : , "norecord", "cl" : The file server local path. For example, 'c:\MyWebServer\htdocs\replays' or '/MyWebServer/htdocs/replays'. replay_max_publish_threads : 4 : , "sv", "cl" : The max number of threads allowed for publishing replay data, e.g. FTP threads. replay_maxconcurrentdownloads : 3 : , "norecord", "cl" : The maximum number of concurrent downloads allowed. replay_maxscreenshotsperreplay : 8 : , "norecord", "cl" : The maximum number of screenshots that can be taken for any given replay. replay_mintimebetweenscreenshots : 5 : , "norecord", "cl" : The minimum time (in seconds) that must pass between screenshots being taken. replay_name : 0 : , "sv", "cl" : Replay bot name replay_playerdeathscreenshotdelay : 2 : , "norecord", "cl" : Amount of time to wait after player is killed before taking a screenshot replay_postdeathrecordtime : 5 : , "norecord", "cl" : The amount of time (seconds) to be recorded after you die for a given replay. replay_postwinreminderduration : 5 : , "norecord", "cl" : The number of seconds to show a Replay reminder, post-win/lose. replay_printclientreplays : cmd : : Prints out all client replay info replay_printqueuedtakes : cmd : : Print a list of takes queued for rendering. replay_printsessioninfo : cmd : : Print session info replay_publish_simulate_delay_local_http : 0 : , "norecord", "cl" : Simulate a delay (in seconds) when publishing replay data via local HTTP. replay_publish_simulate_rename_fail : 0 : , "norecord", "cl" : Simulate a rename failure during local HTTP publishing, which will force a manual copy & delete. replay_record : cmd : : Starts Replay demo recording. replay_record_voice : 1 : , "sv", "cl" : If enabled, voice data is recorded into the replay files. replay_removeclientreplay : cmd : : Remove the replay at the given index. replay_renderpause : cmd : : Pause Replay rendering. replay_renderunpause : cmd : : Unpause Replay rendering. replay_screenshotkilldelay : 0 : , "norecord", "cl" : Delay before taking a screenshot when you kill someone, in seconds. replay_screenshotresolution : 0 : , "norecord", "cl" : 0 for low-res screenshots (width=512), 1 for hi-res (width=1024) replay_screenshotsentrykilldelay : 0 : , "norecord", "cl" : Delay before taking a screenshot when you kill someone, in seconds. replay_sentrycammaxverticaloffset : 10 : , "norecord", "cl" : Vertical offset from a sentry on sentry kill replay_sentrycamoffset_frontback : -50 : , "norecord", "cl" : Front/back offset for sentry POV screenshot replay_sentrycamoffset_leftright : -25 : , "norecord", "cl" : Left/right offset for sentry POV screenshot replay_sentrycamoffset_updown : 22 : , "norecord", "cl" : Up/down offset for sentry POV screenshot replay_sessioninfo_updatefrequency : 5 : , "norecord", "cl" : If a replay has not been downloaded, the replay browser will update the status of a given replay on the server based on this cvar (in seconds). replay_stoprecord : cmd : : Stop Replay demo recording. replay_voice_during_playback : 0 : , "a", "cl" : Play player voice chat during replay playback
 51 convars/concommands for [replay]

The only offloading cvar that still seems to exist is replay_fileserver_offload_aborttime.


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