We've released a mandatory update for Team Fortress 2. The notes for the update 
are below. The new version is 3537953.



- Updated Casual Mode
        - Fixed a problem where in-progress games with open slots would not 
receive new players
        - Fixed a case where players would sometimes not receive experience 
(when playing a match to completion)
        - Fixed not getting domination/revenge events
        - Added a feature to the game mode selection screen that allows players 
to play on specific maps
        - Added the Vote Kick option
                - Players that are kicked will receive partial experience after 
the match ends
        - Maps previously using the stopwatch timer will now play to 
completion, regardless of the first team's time
- Added a "Create Server" button to the "Find a Game" menu
- Fixed the party chat window sometimes not drawing
- Fixed Australium weapons not drawing correctly in the character loadout screen
- Updated the Dr's Dapper Topper to fix a material issue
- Thanks to Justin G., aka sigsegv, for these reports:
        - Fixed sentry buster sounds not being cleaned up properly after 
        - Fixed a bug related to bot death detection
- Updated Taunt: The Balloonibounce to end the taunt if the player is moved
- Fixed a regression in the Pyro's flamethrower where flames could sometimes 
damage players behind obstacles and walls
- PASS Time update
        - Updated several HUD materials to support mat_picmip
        - Fixed seeing the wrong cap limit in the win panel

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