I have a form on my front#index page pointing to one of my models:

*<form with="&Model.new">...</form>*

This model has a custom validation method:

*validate :sanity_checks*

If I create a new record at Model/new it works as intended and applies my 
validation. However if I add a record from the front page form it accepts 
anything and creates a new record. If I edit this record and try to save, 
the validation kicks in correctly.

I also have a "regular" validation:

*validates_numericality_of :debit, :only_integer => true, :allow_nil => 
true, :message => "can only bet whole numbers (no cents)"*

If I use a decimal number from the front page form the validation seems to 
work: the record creation fails silently.

It's like the form tag is letting some validations run while bypassing 

Am I using the <form> tag incorrectly?


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